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'If you're looking at this page, you already know - the great transition to renewable energy can only succeed with Hydrogen Storage.'

Dr Paul Dalgleish

GreenHy2 - ASX H2G

GreenHy2 Pty Ltd, ASX "H2G",  is an Australian Green Hydrogen Public Listed Company, partnered with GKN Hydrogen in Germany exclusively for the Australasian Region, to provide energy solutions incorporating the only Solid-State Hydrogen Storage system (SSHS) commercially available on the market today.  This is the green energy solution that solves the energy storage challenge.  Australia's only commercial Solid State Hydrogen storage enabling 100% renewable power systems with no need for back-up fossil fuels.  Our H2G Energy Solution provides the safest and greenest energy storage solution on the market. 


Safe, Clean, 100% recyclable, Silent, 100% Green Hydrogen, Zero Emissions; the only by-product is Pure Water.

The expertise to deliver 100% renewable energy solutions that remove the need for fossil fuels as back-up by utilising the smartest, safest and most environmentally sustainable Hydrogen Storage Technology in the World.  Storing Hydrogen as a solid and integrating it into a 100% renewable energy supported systems finally enables the complete confidence to go off-grid.  Solid State Hydrogen storage systems utilise the very high density of energy to shift power from summer to winter, from day to night and from sunny days to rainy days.  Our designers can model and simulate years of seasonal impacts to ensure your off-grid system never fails.

The H2G off-grid energy systems are different from other hydrogen storage methods because of the GKN Hydrogen Technology.  The stored Energy lasts for decades, if required and there is no degradation of the storage capacity. 


The H2G Energy Systems are suitable for a diverse range of activities and are currently operating in Utilities, Government facilities and for companies transitioning to renewable energy who wish to protect the environment while reducing on-going operating costs.

Share Price

H2G has completed commercialisation of the technology (TRL9) and are nearing completion of our 12 months performance trail with Essential Energy.  H2G has delivered a feasibility study for Ergon Energy for the implementation of the system for Thursday island and Bamaga Community in Northern Queensland.  We are actively bidding SAPs for Australian Utilities, both Energy and Telecommunications, and responding to further enquirers ranging from Islands, Diesel Substitution, and eco-resorts to Car charging depots, defence bases and large scale Hydrogen Storage systems for industrial Processes and Hydrogen feed-stock plants. 

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GreenHy2’s Corporate Governance Statement and associated policies conform to the corporate governance principles and recommendations released by the ASX Corporate Governance Council.


Executive Chairman and Managing Director

Dr Paul Dalgleish


Board Charter

Audit Committee Charter

Risk, HSE and Commercial Committee Charter

Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter

Code of Conduct

Corporate Governance Statement

Dr Paul Dalgleish GreenHy2 Overview - Interview Transcript

Dr Paul Dalgleish Hydrogen Technology Overview

ShareHolder SERVICES

We encourage you to visit Link Market's portal.


The site allows you to access information about your shareholding and permits you to update your details online. In order to access the secured website, you will need to provide some personal details which are shown on your holding statement (including either your Security Holder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN).


The link below will take you directly to the GreenHy2 shareholder login page.

Share Registry

Link Market Services Limited 


level 12, 680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000


+61 2 8280 7355


Business Name


Business Description

GreenHy2 provides the H2G Energy Solution, an integrated 100% renewable energy solution, incorporating Solid State Hydrogen Storage using GKN Hydrogen Technology. GreenHy2 services the Energy Utilities, Telecommunications, Industrial and Process sectors.

Postal Address

302/75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000


Dr Paul Dalgleish (Executive Chairman)

Charles Rottier (Non-Executive Director)

William Howard (Executive Director) 

Registered Office

c/o Company Matters Pty Limited
Level 12, 680 Geor
ge Street, Sydney NSW 2000


+61 2 8280 7355

Shares on Issue


Managing Director

Dr Paul Dalgleish

Company Secretary and CFO

William Howard



1 O'Connell St

Sydney NSW 2000

Share Registry

Link Market Services 

level 12, 680 George Street

Sydney NSW 2000

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